MCQ - Reproduction in Animals (Part 2)

 1.  Which duct of embryo gives rise to epididymis?

    (a) Wolffian duct

    (b) Mullerian duct

    (c) Stenson's duct

    (d) Wharton's duct

Answer: (a) Wolffian duct

2. The head of epididymis is called:

    (a) vas deferens

    (b) gubernaculum

    (c) caput epididymis

    (d) cauda epididymis

Answer: (c) caput epididymis

3.  The function of vas deferens is to:

    (a) store the sperms

    (b) mature the sperms

    (c) conduct the sperms

    (d) none of these

Answer: (c) conduct the sperms

4. If the vasa deferentia of a man is surgically cut or blocked:

    (a) semen will be without sperms

    (b) spermatogenesis will not take place

    (c) testosterone will disappear from the blood.

    (d) sperms in the semen become non-motile.

Answer: (a) semen will be without sperms

 5. Which of the following is located at the base of the urinary bladder?

    (a) Ovary

    (b) Prostate gland

    (c) Seminal vesicle

    (d) Bulbourethral gland

Answer: (c) Seminal vesicle

6. The common duct formed by the union of vas deferens and the duct from seminal vesicle is:

    (a) Urethra

    (b) Mullerian duct

    (c) Spermatic duct

    (d) Ejaculatory duct

Answer: (d) Ejaculatory duct

7. Which gland in the mammal makes alkaline secretion for lubrication?

    (a) Testis

    (b) Pineal body

    (c) Prostate gland

    (d) Cowper's gland

Answer: (d) Cowper's gland

8. Cowper's glands secrets a substance which:

    (a) kill pathogen

    (b) neutralize acidity

    (c) nourish sperm

    (d) all of these

Answer: (b) neutralize acidity

9. Cowper's gland secretes a substance to

1st statement: nourish sperm

2nd statement: neutralize acidity

3rd statement: kill pathogens

4th statement: lubricates female's vagina to facilitate copulation

    (a) 1st  and 2nd are correct

    (b) 2nd and 4th are correct

    (c) 1st and 3rd are correct

    (d) 1st, 2nd and 3rd are correct

Answer: (b) 2nd and 4th are correct

10. The skin covering the glans penis is called 

    (a) prepuce

    (b) epididymis

    (c) corpora cavernosa

    (d) corpus spongiosum

Answer: (a) prepuce

11. Erection of penis in a mammal is an example of:

    (a) exoskeleton

    (b) endoskeleton

    (c) bony skeleton

    (d) hydrostatic skeleton

Answer: (d) hydrostatic skeleton

12. Seminal fluid contains the secretion of :

    (a) Follicles, uterus and prostate gland

    (b) Prostate, Coweper's and Bartholin's gland

    (c) Seminal vesicle, uterus and prostate gland

    (d) Seminal vesicle, prostate and Cowper's gland

Answer: (d) Seminal vesicle, prostate and Cowper's gland

13. Seminal fluid contains

    (a) citrate

    (b) fructose

    (c) ascorbic acid

    (d) all of these

Answer: (b) fructose

14. Which accessory genital gland occurs only in mammalian male?

    (a) Prostate gland

    (b) Perineal gland

    (c) Bartholin's gland

    (d) Cowper's gland

Answer: (a) Prostate gland

15. Semen contains all of the following except:

    (a) mucus

    (b) fructose

    (c) substances to reduce the pH of the uterine environment

    (d) substances to increase the motility of the uterine muscle

Answer: (c) substances to reduce the pH of the uterine environment

16. What is the speed of the human male sperm in the female genital tract

    (a) 3mm/ min

    (b) 10mm/ min

    (c) 15mm/ min

    (d) 20mm/ min

Answer: (a) 3mm/ min

17. The ovary remain attached to the abdominal wall by a ligament called:

    (a) mesorchium

    (b) fallopian tube

    (c) mesovarium

    (d) none of these

Answer: (c) mesovarium

18. Graafian follicles are formed from:

    (a) stroma of ovary

    (b) columnar epithelium of testis 

    (c) germinal epithelium of ovaries

    (d) bacterial ribosome

Answer: (c) germinal epithelium of ovaries

19. Antrum is the cavity of 

    (a) Ovary

    (b) Blastula

    (c) Gastrula

    (d) Graafian follicle

Answer: (d) Graafian follicle

20. Graafian follicle is maintained by 

    (a) estrogen

    (b) prolactin

    (c) luteinizing hormone

    (d) follicle-stimulating hormone

Answer: (d) follicle-stimulating hormone

21. A perforated membrane that normally surrounds the ovum of a mammal:

    (a) Corona radiata

    (b) jelly envelope

    (c) Zona pellucida

    (d) Vitelline membrane

Answer: (c) Zona pellucida

22. The growth and maturation of Graafian follicle controlled by:

    (a) FSH - LH

    (b) GH - ADH

    (c) FSH - LTH

    (d) LH -  ACTH

Answer: (a) FSH - LH

23. Ovulation occurs under the influence of :

    (a) Luteinizing hormone

    (b) Estrogen

    (c) Follicle-stimulating hormone

    (d) Progesterone

Answer: (a) Luteinizing hormone

24. What is the correct sequence of layers in the mammalian egg from outside to inside?

    (a) Zona pellucida, corona radiata, plasma membrane

    (b) Corona radiata, Zona pellucida, plasma membrane

    (c) Plasma membrane, zona pellucida, corona radiata

    (d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Corona Radiata, Zona pellucida, plasma membrane

25. After ovulation the collapsed ovarian follicle shrinks to form:

    (a) Corpus atresia

    (b) Corpus Albicans

    (c) Corpus luteum

    (d) Corpus adiposum

Answer: (b) Corpus Albicans

26. The mammalian corpus luteum produces

    (a) estrogen

    (b) progesterone

    (c) luteinizing hormone

    (d) GnRH

Answer: (b) progesterone

27. In human females, the hormone inhibin is secreted by 

    (a) theca cells

    (b) zona pellucida

    (c) granulosa cells 

    (d) corpus luteum

Answer: (c) granulosa cells 

28. Which of these never present in the frog's ovary?

    (a) Oogonia

    (b) Corpus luteum

    (c) Ovarian follicle

    (d) Germinal epithelium

Answer: (b) Corpus luteum








































































